The Kingdom of The Divine Will
"The Kingdom of The Divine Will," also known as the Divine Will compendium contains the following:-
- The 24 Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
- The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of Divine Will
- The Rounds of the Soul in The Divine Will
- Christmas Novena
- Chaplet of Divine Will
- Prayer for Beatification of Luisa
- Consecration to the Divine Will
- Litany of Divine Will
- Post Communion Prayers
In 1882, after having written her Christmas Novena at the age of 17, Luisa had an unexpected vision of the infant Jesus who invited her to aspire to a higher level of grace and love.
He exhorted her to meditate each hour of the day upon the corresponding 24 hours of His passion and death on the Cross. She did this on a daily basis, and 31 years later - in 1913 and 1914, Luisa was placed under obedience to write down these meditations, now known as, "The Hours of the Passion."