Just a gentle reminder to everyone that we are having a thanksgiving vigil tonight in celebration of Maire's life! She died on the Feast of Christ the King and on the anniversary of the opening of Luisa Piccarreta's cause for canonisation!
Is it possible do you think that she could be raised up like Lazarus on the 4th day?????? That will be tomorrow!!!!! Who knows? God does!!! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO OUR CREATOR!!!
"Stay with praying to Luisa for Maire, otherwise we cannot testify to her (Luisa's) cause (for canonisation). Those who can should be praying in the Divine Will to Luisa, offering the redone/divine version of Maire's life repeatedly throughout the day."
Please join us from 9pm - midnight tonight, Tuesday 23rd November 2021 to pray for the repose of Maire's soul. We will have testimonies, music and Adoration!
See Zoom link below and we look forward to seeing you all later. You will have to cut and paste the link into your browser.
Love and prayers with His Will & in the name of everyone,
Maria X
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I think Maire was a saint x everyone that was blessed by knowing her will miss her x I'm glad she is now with Our Lord - she loved Him before and above all things; she lived for Him; she totally surrendered her life to Him and I'm sure she is now fully with Him continuing to intercede for us all xxx